Jobs in the Riverfront Research Park!
January 27, 2020The Technology Association of Oregon, led by May Sayre, hosted a tour for UO Computer and Information Science students of several technology companies, including the Brain Electrophysiology Laboratory Company in the Riverfront Research Park. Don Tucker, Director of the Neuroinformatics Center, said, "This ongoing University-Industry exchange continues the NIC's tradition of technology transfer that is integral to the Knight Center’s goal of accelerating scientific impact. Our new graduates are the embodiment of this impact.”
Licensing BrainK
January 21, 2019The patent for the relative thresholding method of brain segmentation developed by Dr. Kai Li (US Pat. No. 8,478,011) is being licensed by the University of Oregon to the Brain Electrophysiology Laboratory Company. This method is integral to the BrainK processing workflow (Li, et al., 2016). The BEL Co. is implementing this method in a new workflow for automated creation of simulations of electrical properties of head tissues for measuring and manipulating the electrical fields of individual brains.
Tucker elected as Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors
January 9, 2019NIC Director Don Tucker is the UO’s first faculty member to be elected as Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, see full story here. The NAI induction will be held at the Space Science Center in Houston in April 2019.
Virtual Electric Brain
October 15, 2018UO grad students Erin McCarthy and Alister Johnson were funded under the NSF UO Center for Big Learning to develop a virtual brain simulation capable of modeling the electrical activity of the human brain.
Using the framework developed by the Virtal Brain Project this project will allow both neural network simulations and the analysis of the electrical activity of individual persons.
Neuroinformatics Center releases its High Performance Signal Analysis Toolkit
January 31, 2006The GEMINI Team is proud to announce the version 1.0 release of its High Performance Signal Analysis Toolkit (HiPerSAT). This version includes implementations of the Infomax, FastICA and Sobi algorithms, as well as integration with Matlab and EEGLAB. HiPerSAT is writen in C++, and takes advantage of parallel computing resources by using OpenMP and MPI. Download the HiPerSAT Technical Report for more information.
Neuroinformatics Center receives $1,000,000
March 3, 2003In 2003, Researchers at the University of Oregon Neuroinformatics Center received a $1,000,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to build an advanced Grid computing infrastructure to apply high-performance computing to diagnosing and treating brain-related conditions. Link to full article.